Sunday, September 5, 2010

Touchdown Nairobi...

Landed this afternoon in Nairobi after a 13 hour flight from JFK to Dubai .... Might I add that on Saturday morning I got from 18th and 6th to JFK in 19 minutes. World record, no?!

In the Emirates lounge, I enjoyed one of the nicest breakfast spreads I've ever seen.  I then boarded and arrived at my Emirates Air "private suite".  I think it may have been nicer (and larger) than a lot of New York apartments.  Closed the door to my suite, watched a handful of cheese movies (I hesitate to even name them here for fear of mocking) and attempted to get some sleep.

This was my first time in the Dubai airport - it was basically a giant mall.  The duty free areas were PACKED.  Are they giving away Louis and Cartier for free and someone didn't send me the memo?!  I also saw that they accept gold as currency.  Must be nice.

In Dubai I met up with my Mom and Dad (Howard and Deborah) who had flown in from San Francisco the night before.  The first class Emirates lounge in Dubai -- well, it ran the length of the airport.  We had some breakfast in their enormous restaurant....and then were off to our flight to Nairobi.

Next to me on the flight was a nice looking guy -- who was carrying a Louis soft briefcase, toting a Louis roller bag, and had a huge grey Ostrich leather backpack on.  People were one after the other approaching him to take photos.  Turns out he's on the Barcelona soccer/football team.  Apparently his name is Eric Abidal.  I just had to google him. Had no idea who he is.

Our guide for the month - Gavin from Africa Inscribed - greeted us at the airport (where hallelujah - all of our luggage arrived in tact).  We took a short drive to our hotel - the Norfolk Hotel.  The hotel was built in 1904 - and, I have to say, I think parts of it have never received a face lift.  Had a very nice dinner though in the restaurant -- and now am gearing up for tomorrow.

Tomorrow we get to see Karen Blixen's home (the author of Out Of Africa) and then have the rare opportunity to tour the David Shelrick Wildlife Trust - which is an orphanage for elephants and rhinos!  That I am incredibly excited for and will give lots of details (and hopefully photos) tomorrow.  I'm hoping I get to blow in a lot of baby elephants trunks :)

I'm off to watch the Nadal US Open match and hit the sack.  Ciao! S xo

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