Monday, September 20, 2010

Leopard Hunt

Today we started off the morning with a walk through the bush led by Gavin (and a large rifle).  This is the first chance we have had to walk since our time with the bushmen at Jack's Camp.

Our Great Protector

My attempt at some artistic shots on the walk ....

All of us in front of one of the omnipresent termite mounds

Monkey peeking at all of us ....

During our afternoon game drive, our guide gets a call that there has been a leopard sighting a ways away.  We proceed to go crashing, rushing, dashing, bumping, gurgling through flooded road after flooded road - until finally we arrive where there are a few other rovers waiting.... and no leopard.  They are all staring at a hyena den.  Finally we spot the leopard - she literally goes sauntering by us - and disappears again into the bush. A lot of build up .... We see her for a few more steps - and then she disappears again, leaving us only with the white tip of her long graceful tail.

We return to the hyena den just as the sun is setting and see the pups emerge ... Not great photos as the sun had set at this point.

In the dark, we head back toward camp ... which is about an hour and a half drive because of the condition of the roads.  And there, smack in the middle of the road, we come across the leopard.  After chasing to find her, looking for her through the bushes and trees, there she is - right in our path home.  She sleekly saunters off .... and we're back on our wet, bumpy and buggy long ride home.  By the time we get back, we're exhausted, I skip dinner and head straight to bed.

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