Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chobe Chilwero

This morning we get to “sleep in” – 7am wakeup!!

We pack up and head out over the 24 water crossings to the airstrip.  We have an hour flight to Kasani and head to Chobe Chilwero.  The lodge borders Chobe National Park, home to the world's largest population of elephants.  It borders the Chobe River, and has specatcular views across the islands and flood plains as far as Namibia.  This is the first bush lodge/camp that we have air conditioning in our rooms!  This area is FAR more developed than what we’ve been experiencing – the airport is a “real” airport, the roads are paved… 

We head out for a boat drive, Gavin is our captain.  This area is definitely more populated with tourists as there are quite a few boats out on the river.  The water is littered with hippos – who I always thought were cute – but turns out, they’re not very nice.  They peek their big beady eyes and pointy ears out of the water to watch us go by – then disappear quickly back under the water. Gavin tells us they’ve been known to bite the boat.  I start thinking, if we run over one who is underwater, we capsize and get eaten.  We come upon what Gavin says is a “friendly group” of hippos. Next thing you know one of them is yawning, making his evil laugh noise, and comes charging at us with his jaw wide open – ready to swallow us up in one big gulp! Gavin guns the motor and we escape.  So much for friendly hippos!

We get our first real croc sighting:

After an adventurous afternoon, we head back to Chobe Chilwero... 

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