Friday, September 17, 2010

Lions and Leopards

We're now on "real" safari time with 5:30am wake-ups in the dark (zzzzz........)
We find lions almost immediately - 2 on the ground cuddling - a young male and female.  The poor things are covered in biting flies.  I think they get so tired of swatting them away that they just eventually give up.  The other 3 females in the pride are laying in a tree.  Apparently you don't see lions climb trees very often, but they are most likely trying to escape the flies.

As we sit and watch, the young male in the pride decided to try to climb the tree too - he was so gawky and awkward he was nearly pathetic.

Later we saw a sable with a sprained front leg limping along...

We see an African Wild Cat dart by - something few get to see.  

For our afternoon drive, we take a sunset boat ride and have some sundowners (ie cocktails while the sun sets - a big tradition here).  We see an elephant cross the river - unfortunately, I somehow deleted those photos from the camera (oops).  
We have another bush dinner - the staff sets up for the whole camp a fire, dining table, bathroom etc out in the bush.  The staff regale us with some traditional songs.

Saturday morning, we get to see a leopard in a tree on our game drive.  She's beautiful.  And she's our first leopard spotting of the trip.

She was storing her kill - a baboon - in the next tree.  Later in the morning, we returned and she had switched to the tree with her kill and was finishing it off.

Nothing like gnawing on a baboon arm....

We come across the same "tree lions" from the day before ... this time they look like they are stalking something.  They literally walked RIGHT by the car.  I could have stuck my hand out of the open vehicle and touched them.  One of them walked UNDER the back of our rover.

We must be getting really spoiled, because on the afternoon drive we saw elephants, giraffe, impala, sable and hyena, we thought it was a "disappointing" drive since we didn't see any action.

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