Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our last full day

Can't believe it, but today is our last day here ....... A beautiful sunrise

We see a sole lion on a termite mound - with an injured backside - he didn't look very happy.

We see a herd of waterbuck and their funny circled bottoms

Some ever present warthogs

We get another great rhino sighting

And then we come upon a very playful herd of elephants ...

One of them becomes VERY curious about our tracker ....

After the game drive, my mom, Gavin and I go on a tour of the local village - where many of the staff at Sinigita live.

We get to see a few different traditional dances, a choir sings to us, we get to taste some local food, learn to crush maize, and then we visit the preschool where the children sing to us.

My mom and I decide to stay back from the afternoon game drive to relax and pack up our things...
In the evening, we have our final dinner in Africa - Gavin once again showers us with gifts.  For some reason, the couple from Baltimore had jokingly told the Singita staff that it was my Dad's birthday.  So, they present him with a birthday cake and rose champagne - we don't have the heart to tell them it's not his birthday, so we just go along with it.

Thursday morning we do a game drive -  see the usual suspects - and head back to the lodge to finish packing up and head out.

What an INCREDIBLE month this has been.  I don't think this blog has even begun to do justice to the experiences we have had and the animals we have had the priveledge to see.
Not sure anyone is reading this besides my grandmother, but hope you enjoyed it if you did!

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