Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cat Day

On our morning drive, we have an incredible leopard sighting.  He basically poses for us perfectly atop a termite mound.  The animals here are SO calm around the vehicles - Gavin explains it's because they have been seeing vehicles for 50 years here and know the vehicles won't bother them.  This is only our second leopard sighting of the trip - we haven't seen one since Vumbura Plains.

We see a few hyena just outside their den (this one slightly resembles Whoopi Goldberg's character in The Lion King, no?!)

We also get to see a cheetah - only our second sighting of a cheetah - haven't seen them since our first stop at Ngogogoro Crater.  

Mom and I hit the Singita shop after our drive - by far the best shop we've seen on this trip and I struggle to figure out how I will get all the things I want to buy back home....

After high tea, we head out on our afternoon game drive.  We see yet another leopard - the mother of the leopard we saw in the morning -

We happen upon yet another pride of snoozing lions....

We have our sundowner drinks, 

The staff sets us up our own private dinner in the library and then we head to bed.

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