Monday, September 27, 2010

Singita Ebony Sabi Sand South Africa

Yesterday was a travel day - we flew from Vic Falls to Joberg and spent the night in the airport hotel there.  Today we headed out for Sabi Sands in the Greater Kruger National Park - and we are staying at Singita Ebony.  When we get to Joberg airport, the woman informs us that we will be making 3 stops on our small plane - including a change of aircrafts.  My eyes literally roll into the back of my head as I picture all those take offs and landings.  As we wait in the lounge, Gavin disappears - and next thing you know, we are going to be the first stop - and then we switch to a King Air for a 2 minute hop to the lodge.  Gavin must have threatened that I would ruin their upholstery....
Our new guide/driver Sophia picks us up from the airport - the roads here (although still dirt) are smooth.  No more bumping around in the Rover... The main lodge room is cozy and intimate and very old world African safari.  My room is massive - a sitting area, 3 sinks, indoor and outdoor shower, tub, private plunge pool, deck, fireplace etc.... 
We have a lovely lunch on the terrace as Nyala (a South African antelope) graze around us.  Just below are a herd of elephants drinking from the watering hole.  

In the afternoon we take our game drive - we are joined by a couple from Baltimore who is on their first game drive ever - Sophia goes over the rules - when viewing the animals (especially the cats) talk quietly, move slowly and DON'T stand up.  

I get to see my first rhinos!  There are 2 cows and a calf - and the calf is suckling from his mother.  So sweet.  

Then find a pride of lazy lions....

We go around the corner, however, and realize why they are so sleepy.  They have a buffalo kill that the ones snoozing have just fed on - and the rest of the pride is now working away on it.  

Despite Sophia's instructions Ricky from the Baltimore couple pops right up out of his seat - I tell him to sit down before he gets us all eaten!

Sophia has gone WAY WAY off-road to get to this spot - and we are wedged between fallen trees and ravenous lions.  I was a little nervous - if anything happened, we could definitely not get out of there quickly.

After the afternoon drive, we had a dinner in their outdoor "hut" -- a huge barbeque with a wide variety of food - including kudu, crocodile and warthog.  

The Singita Choir then entertained us with traditional African songs and dances.... And when they invited anyone to join in, my mother LEAPED up and got her groove on!

Off to bed - 5am wakeup call.

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